The wisdom I want to share from Dr Bruce Lipton.

Dear All

Thank you all for your action and intention in enhancing your life with PSYCH-K®.

Recently, at a seminar in Taos, New Mexico I had the pleasure of sharing 4 days with Dr. Bruce Lipton and Psych-K® founder Rob Williams.

The successful science & psychology behind the simple and effective methods developed over the past many years is undeniable! And I can’t wait to enhance even more lives with these tools.

The following Quotes from Bruce most inspired me:

“Your beliefs carry more power than your reality”

“ The function of the mind is to create coherence  between beliefs and reality”

“The mind is the sole governing agency of the body”

“Our consciousness is “the” controlling switch from Stress to Harmony”

“Living out of harmony is creating dis-ease”

Listen HERE  to what Bruce has to say about his experience with PSYCH-K®.

PSYCH-K® goes way beyond self help. It becomes  self-realization. Living life to the fullest:

“Living “The honeymoon effect””

Rob said: “We were born into heaven and than programmed to give up our power. We give it to doctors and others who we belief have authority and than it becomes our truth”

“Welcome to liberation day: With PSYCH-K® you take your power back where it belongs, with You”

When you are looking for harmony, peace and joy in your life whether you have completed a workshop with me, had a complimentary session or haven’t yet experienced the life enhancing effects of Psych-K®.
I am reaching out to you now with my upcoming offerings. 

If  you are not familiar with PSYCH-K® then please  book Introductory Session  to experience the process. 


Master Your Mind or live in fear!


Video’s of why Marianna teaches PSYCH-K® and more.