My personal journey to be a healthier me.
The suitcase in this picture is weighs 45 lbs the amount I releashed in 4 months .
Last year I went on a personal journey to be a healthier me.
In the past I have done the yoyo with my weight. This time I did a lot of Balancing and also looked at secondary gains.
I found myself very fearful when hungry. It was not safe for me to have an empty stomach. I realized that this goes all the way back to my family surviving the hunger winter in The Netherlands during the second world war. Beliefs were installed that “I have to eat when I can because I never know where the next meal comes from.”
I did a TPS (Transform the Perception of a Stressful Situation). And Balanced: “It is safe for me to have only 2 meals per day” and “It is safe for me to have an empty stomach in between meals”
I am now 45 pounds lighter and the benefits have been incredible: Not only having more energy, but being more flexible, more alert, having mental clarity and being pain free.